About Us

I am a local Central Queenslander. I first became obsessed with desert roses around 2017. I have had them for many years and thought there were only pink, red and white. Google, my friend, soon showed me there were many many more colours. I then began to learn some knowledge in how genetics and insects play a huge role in what colour a seed grown into a plant may be. I like to liken it to – if two (2) people have one hundred (100) babies will they all look like one parent, or will they look like the other parent OR will they look like a mixture of a past generation relative?

When purchasing a seed from an image there is NO guarantee that the seed will flower that colour. The seeds I buy in from Yang Ming, they have been hand cross pollinated to ensure they have the best possible chance of being similar BUT like genetics, the seed can throw back to somewhere in its history.


Happy seed sowing.